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TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery


Cutting a Cigar: The Essential Guide

To enjoy the full flavor and aroma of a cigar, it is essential to cut it correctly. Cigar cutters come in various shapes and sizes, but the most commonly used ones are the guillotine cutter, straight cutters, V-cutters, and punch cutters. Each type of cutter offers a different experience, and choosing the right one can make a big difference in your cigar smoking experience.

The guillotine cutter is the most popular type of cigar cutter. It is easy to use and gives a clean cut. Some guillotine cutters have double blades, while others have a single blade. The double-bladed guillotine cutter is more precise and requires less force to slice through the cigar cap. The straight cutter is another popular type of cigar cutter. It has a single blade and is perfect for cutting the cap of a cigar.

The V-cutter is a unique type of cutter that makes a V-shaped cut in the cap of the cigar. This type of cut exposes more of the filler than other types of cuts, which can enhance the smoking experience. The punch cutter is a smaller type of cutter that punches a hole into the cap of the cigar. This type of cutter does not remove any of the cap, and it is ideal for smaller cigars.

It is essential to use a cigar cutter specifically designed for cutting cigars. Regular scissors should never be used to cut a cigar. Scissors designed for cutting cigars have rounded blades that can grip the cigar perfectly, preventing the tobacco from being crushed or damaged during the cutting process.

When cutting a cigar, it is crucial to cut it at the right place. The cap of the cigar is the part that you will cut. On a parejo, which is a parallel-sided cigar, this is typically 1/4″-3/8″. The location of the cap is where the rounded head of the cigar meets the straight part of the body. It is essential to consider where the cap stops, as this should be regarded as the limit as to how far down you should cut.

Choosing the right cut for your cigar is essential to get the best smoking experience. Some cigars require a larger cut, while others require a smaller cut. The type of cut you choose can also change the smoking experience. The guillotine cutter is ideal for larger cigars, while the V-cutter is perfect for smaller cigars.

In summary, understanding the nuances of cutting, lighting, and smoking a cigar can enhance your experience and take it to a whole new level. Using the right type of cutter and cutting the cigar at the right place can help you avoid damaging the cigar and get the most out of it. Whether you are a seasoned cigar smoker or a beginner, taking the time to master the art of cutting will enhance your cigar smoking experience. So, choose the right cut, use the right cutter, and savor every puff of your cigar.

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