Sovereign: The Unique Nature of the Cayman Cigar Company
The Cayman Cigar Company is a one-of-a-kind enterprise. It operates as both a for-profit and non-profit organization, a unique concept that sets it apart from other enterprises. The business was intentionally established to function as a commercial entity that would also have a positive impact on society. This dual-purpose model enables the company to have a positive social impact while generating profit.
The Cayman Cigar Company team is made up of passionate individuals who have a strong sense of purpose. They are committed to creating an enterprise that not only benefits its stakeholders but also society as a whole. The company’s unique business structure is a testament to its commitment to social responsibility. This is a model that other businesses can learn from.
Another cigar brand that's making waves in the cigar world is the La Gloria Cubana brand by Ernesto Perez-Carrillo. The brand was featured in the third issue of Cigar Aficionado and received several 90-point scores for its $2 cigars. The sudden popularity of the brand has made it one of the hottest cigar brands in the market.
The Ashton Classic Sovereign is another cigar variety that is popular among cigar enthusiasts. This torpedo-shaped cigar is known for its mild-bodied smoke and rich, aged, creamy tobacco flavor. It has been a fan favorite for a long time and continues to be a top choice for cigar lovers who prefer mild-bodied cigars.
In recent news, Cigar Rights of the World was publicly announced by Jeremiah Meerapfel. It is a global platform aimed at protecting and promoting the rights of cigar smokers around the world. This initiative is a step towards ensuring that cigar smokers' rights are not infringed upon.
Two Florida congressmen, Kathy Castor (D-FL) and Bill Posey (R-FL), have introduced a bill called H.R. 3982, the Traditional Cigar Manufacturing and Small Business Jobs Preservation Act of 2021. The bill seeks to exempt premium cigars from many federal regulations, including user fees and warning labels. The bill recognizes the significance of the cigar industry and its impact on small businesses. It acknowledges the need to preserve this industry's heritage and cultural significance.
In conclusion, the Cayman Cigar Company, La Gloria Cubana, Ashton Classic Sovereign, Cigar Rights of the World, and H.R. 3982 are all examples of the diverse nature of the cigar industry. From unique business models to efforts to protect and preserve the industry's heritage, the cigar industry is more than just about smoking cigars. It is a community of passionate individuals who appreciate the art and culture of cigar-making.