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TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery
Amber Light - END OF LINE

Amber Light - END OF LINE

When it comes to enjoying a good cigar, proper lighting is essential. Not only does it affect the overall experience and flavor, but it can also impact the burn and longevity of the cigar. As such, it is important to know the right way to light a cigar, specifically which end to light and how to properly toast it.

Firstly, it is important to understand that the foot of the cigar is the part that should be lit. This is because it is designed to achieve an even burn, which is essential for a satisfying smoke. The other end, known as the cap, is the part that is cut off using a cigar cutter.

Lighting a cigar consists of the following six steps and considerations: choosing the right flame, toasting the foot, igniting the filler, releasing the draw, monitoring the burn, and ashing the cigar. Each step plays a crucial role in the overall quality of the smoking experience.

Choosing the right flame is the first step to properly lighting a cigar. It is recommended to use either a wooden match or a butane lighter, as they provide a neutral flavor and do not affect the taste of the cigar. Avoid using candles, paper matches, or gasoline lighters as they can negatively impact the flavor.

The next step is to toast the foot of the cigar. Toasting is a way of preparing the cigar for lighting, and it involves holding the foot of the cigar just above the flame. The heat from the flame will begin to bloom the leaves, revealing their flavors and aromas. It is essential to rotate the cigar to ensure an even toast, taking care not to let the flame touch the cigar directly.

Once the cigar is toasted, it is time to ignite the filler. This is done by placing the cigar in your mouth and drawing in a small amount of air while simultaneously holding the flame to the foot. Take care not to inhale the smoke at this point, as the cigar is not yet fully lit. Instead, puff gently and continue to rotate the cigar to ensure even lighting.

As the cigar continues to burn, it is important to monitor the draw and ash. Gently blowing on the cigar can help to keep it lit and ensure a steady burn. Be sure to ash the cigar regularly, as too much ash can affect the burn and flavor.

In conclusion, knowing which end of a cigar to light and how to properly light it is essential for a satisfying smoking experience. Taking the time to properly toast and ignite the cigar, as well as monitoring its burn, can make all the difference in the overall quality and enjoyment of the smoke. By following these simple steps and considerations, cigar enthusiasts can ensure that they are getting the most out of their smoking experience.

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