San Lotano - Nicaraguan - Exclusive to C.Gars
San Lotano, the brainchild of A.J. Fernandez and father, Ismael, has been making waves in the cigar industry since 2010. A true testament to their craftsmanship, San Lotano cigars have garnered critical acclaim, earning a spot in aficionados' humidors worldwide. The brand's Nicaraguan line, sold exclusively by C.Gars, is no exception.
One of the hallmarks of the San Lotano Nicaraguan line is the use of aged tobacco. The blend features a Nicaraguan Habano binder and filler, aged for at least three years, and topped off with a dark, bold, and oily Nicaraguan shade-grown wrapper. The result is a rich and complex profile, with notes of leather, wood, spice, and coffee.
The San Lotano Nicaraguan line also boasts an innovative box-pressed shape. This unique shape, inspired by the oval, is said to enhance the smoking experience, as it creates a more comfortable hold while promoting an even burn. The cigars are available in a variety of sizes, including robusto, toro, and belicoso.
One standout in the San Lotano Nicaraguan line is the Oval Connecticut Robusto. Sold exclusively by C.Gars, this cigar is a rare find. It features the same aged Nicaraguan tobacco as the rest of the Nicaraguan line but is wrapped in a smooth Connecticut wrapper. The result is a milder profile with notes of cream, cedar, and a subtle sweetness. It's a perfect smoke for those looking for a change of pace or a morning smoke.
In addition to the Oval Connecticut Robusto, C.Gars also carries the San Lotano Oval Connecticut Toro. This cigar has the same blend as the Robusto but in a longer format, providing a longer smoking experience. Both cigars come in packs of five, making them perfect for sharing or stocking up.
One of the advantages of purchasing from C.Gars is their commitment to quality. They have been providing premium cigars to discerning customers for over two decades and have an extensive selection of cigars from around the world. They also provide excellent customer service and fast shipping to ensure the cigars arrive in optimal condition.
In conclusion, the San Lotano Nicaraguan line is an excellent addition to any aficionado's humidor. The blend's unique use of aged tobacco and innovative oval shape make it a standout in the industry. And with the Oval Connecticut Robusto being a C.Gars exclusive, it's a rare find that's not to be missed. So, add some San Lotano Nicaraguan cigars to your cart today and experience the quality and craftsmanship of A.J. Fernandez and Ismael Fernandez.