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TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery
The Fair Maid (Discontinued)

The Fair Maid (Discontinued)

The Fair Maid was a type of cigar that has since been discontinued. Its creation, discovery, and history make for an interesting story that sheds light on how the cigar industry has evolved over the years.

The creation of the Fair Maid was a turning point in the cigar industry. It was a hand-rolled cigar, with the workers being paid by the piece. In 1947, they were paid $.27 per 100 cigars or $2.16 per day. This cigar was considered a fair roller, meaning it could be made fairly quickly, with each worker producing about 600 cigars in a given timeframe.

The 'discovery' of the Fair Maid is another important turning point. It was discovered by Samuel Holt in the early 20th century, who became known as the "Cigar King of Cuba." Holt worked tirelessly to promote the Fair Maid and other Cuban cigars, helping the cigar industry to grow and flourish.

The cigar's popularity continued to grow, especially in the United States, as the Fair Maid became known as a symbol of Cuba. Its association with the Cuban legend only added to its mystique and allure.

However, the Cuban Revolution in 1959 was a turning point for the cigar industry, with many Cuban cigar makers fleeing the country and setting up shop in other parts of the world. This caused a disruption in the production and distribution of Cuban cigars, leading to an increase in prices and a decrease in availability. The Fair Maid was no exception, and its production began to decline rapidly.

Despite this setback, the cigar industry continued to boom throughout the 1960s and 70s. Cigars became a status symbol, particularly in the United States, with celebrities and politicians often seen smoking them. This led to an increase in demand for premium cigars, with many companies catering to this market.

Today, the cigar industry is thriving, with a vast selection of premium cigars available from all over the world. China has also emerged as a major player in the industry, with its International Cigar Expo (ICE) being held annually. In 2020, China became the world's biggest market for premium cigars, with a growing number of cigar lounges and clubs opening up in major cities.

In conclusion, the Fair Maid may be discontinued, but its story is an important part of the history of the cigar industry. Its creation, discovery, and association with the Cuban legend all play a part in the evolution of cigars as we know them today. The industry may have faced setbacks and challenges, but it continues to thrive and grow in new and exciting ways.

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