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TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery
P/Lip Pipes

P/Lip Pipes

P/Lip Pipes: A Beginner's Guide

Pipe and cigar smoking have been a long-standing tradition in many cultures around the world. Although they are less common than cigarette smoking, these products are still widely used by enthusiasts. In this article, we will focus on P/Lip pipes, which are a popular choice among pipe smokers.

A P/Lip pipe is a type of tobacco pipe that has a unique mouthpiece. The mouthpiece is bent upwards at the end, forming the shape of a "P." This design is intended to provide a cooler and drier smoke compared to other types of pipes. Additionally, the P/Lip helps to reduce tongue bite, which can be a common complaint among pipe smokers.

When smoking a P/Lip pipe, it is recommended to park the button of the mouthpiece on the lower teeth. This allows the smoke to flow through the pipe and into the mouth more smoothly. It's also advised to hold the pipe in the left hand to avoid overheating the bowl.

For those who are new to pipe smoking, selecting the right pipe can be overwhelming. Here are a few things to consider when choosing your first pipe:

1. Appearance - Do you like the look of the pipe? It's important to choose a pipe that you find visually appealing, as it will make your smoking experience more enjoyable.

2. Size - Pipes come in a variety of shapes and sizes. It's important to choose a pipe that feels comfortable in your hand and is appropriate for the amount of tobacco you plan to smoke.

3. Material - Pipes are typically made from briarwood, meerschaum, or clay. Briarwood is the most common choice and is known for its durability and ability to hold up well over time.

Once you've selected your pipe, it's essential to properly clean it after each use to maintain its quality. There are various tools available for cleaning pipes, such as pipe cleaners and reamers. It's important to remove all excess tobacco from the bowl and stem to prevent a build-up of residue.

In summary, P/Lip pipes are a unique and popular choice among pipe smokers. They offer a cooler and drier smoke and help to reduce tongue bite. When choosing your first pipe, consider the appearance, size, and material. Lastly, make sure to clean your pipe properly after each use to preserve its quality. Happy smoking!

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