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TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery


Pipes have been used for smoking tobacco for centuries, with the oldest evidence of smoking pipes found in Egypt dating back to 2000 B.C. These copper pipes were found inside tombs, next to mummies, indicating that smoking tobacco was a tradition that has been passed down for a very long time. Today, pipes have evolved, with modern designs that offer a range of features. If you want to begin your journey into pipe smoking, Pipes and Cigars are here to guide you every step of the way.

One of the most common types of pipes are the apple pipes. These are loved for their round design, with pipe bowls that come in a wide range of colors and finishes. The shank of an apple pipe equals the height of the bowl, making it easier for smokers to handle. Apple pipes are also known for their length, which can vary depending on the brand and design of the pipe. These pipes are made using different materials such as briar wood, corn cob, clay, meerschaum, and even glass!

When it comes to storing your pipe and tobacco, there are a few tips to keep in mind. An old cigar box can be a great option to store your pipe accessories, but avoid mixing pipe tobacco and cigars in the same box. These smells and flavors can intermingle, and not in a good way. It is important to take care of your tobacco too. You can store it in airtight containers like glass jars or tins to preserve its freshness. Temperature and humidity should also be taken into account to ensure the tobacco stays in good condition.

One of the fascinating things about pipe smoking is the variety of tobacco strains available from almost every continent. Blending different leaves to make a desired composition is a common practice among pipe smokers. The taste of the tobacco can also vary depending on the region it was grown in. Some of the popular types of tobacco include Virginia, Burley, Cavendish, Latakia, and Perique. Virginia tobacco, known for being sweet and mild, is one of the most popular tobacco strains. Burley tobacco, on the other hand, is known for its nutty taste and is often used in cigarette blends.

When it comes to lighting the pipe, matches and lighters are the most common sources of ignition. Butane lighters are preferred because of their long flame which makes it easier to light the tobacco evenly. When using a match, it is important to let it burn for a few seconds before lighting the pipe to avoid the sulfur chemicals affecting the taste. The aim is not to burn the tobacco, but instead to light it so that it smolders.

In conclusion, pipe smoking is an art that requires patience and practice. With the variety of pipes, tobacco, and accessories available today, it is easy to get started. By following the tips mentioned above, you can ensure that you enjoy your pipe smoking experience to the fullest. Remember, the key is to take care of your equipment and tobacco to preserve their quality. In no time you will be puffing away like a pro!

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