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TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery


Spigot: The Evolution of Cigars

Cigars have a rich history that spans centuries, and have become an integral part of popular culture. For those who are just starting their cigar journey, understanding the key terms used in the cigar industry is essential. In this article, we will discuss the evolution of cigars through pivotal turning points in their history, as well as provide tips for introducing someone new to cigar smoking.

Turning Point #1: The Creation

The origins of cigars can be traced back to the ancient Mayans, who rolled tobacco leaves in palm or plantain leaves. Christopher Columbus and his crew are credited with bringing cigars to Europe in the 15th century, where their popularity began to grow.

Turning Point #2: The ‘Discovery’

In the 16th century, Spanish explorers discovered new tobacco varieties in the New World, which led to the production of larger cigars and the introduction of cigar smoking to the aristocracy in Europe.

Turning Point #3: The Cuban Legend

Cuban cigars became synonymous with luxury in the 18th and 19th centuries, as Cuba had become the world’s leading producer of fine tobacco. The famous Habanos brand was born during this era.

Turning Point #4: Coming to America

Cigars gained popularity in America during the mid-19th century, where they were handcrafted by skilled Cuban artisans. The cigar industry quickly grew, with Tampa, Florida becoming the world’s cigar-making capital.

Turning Point #5: The Cuban Revolution

The Cuban Revolution in 1959 led to the nationalization of the Cuban tobacco industry and the subsequent embargo against Cuban cigars by the US government. This led to the rise of cigar production in other countries, such as the Dominican Republic, Honduras, and Nicaragua.

Turning Point #6: The Boom

In the 1990s, the cigar industry saw a resurgence in popularity, known as the “cigar boom”. This was largely due to the end of the Cold War and an increase in disposable income. Cigar smoking became a status symbol and a part of popular culture, with many famous people being seen smoking them.

Turning Point #7: An Opening

In recent years, restrictions on Cuban cigars have begun to ease, with the US government allowing for a limited import of Cuban cigars. However, cigars from other countries still dominate the market and are enjoyed by millions of people around the world.

For those who are new to cigar smoking, it can be an overwhelming experience. To help introduce someone new to cigars, here are five tips:

Tip #1: Start with a mild cigar, as stronger cigars may be overpowering.

Tip #2: Cut the cigar properly, as this will affect the quality of the draw.

Tip #3: Light the cigar gently and evenly, being careful not to overheat the leaves.

Tip #4: Sip the smoke, rather than inhaling, as this will reduce the risk of experiencing negative side effects.

Tip #5: Pair the cigar with a complementary beverage, such as coffee, tea, or a spirit.

In conclusion, cigars have come a long way since their origins in the ancient Mayan culture. Through pivotal turning points in their history, they have become a symbol of luxury and a part of popular culture. Understanding the key terms used in the cigar industry and following these tips can help make the cigar smoking experience enjoyable and memorable. So, let your cigar journey begin!

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