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TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery


If you’re just starting your pipe smoking journey, all the information you need is at Pipes and Cigars. One of the first things to consider is picking the right pipe. There are three key factors to consider: appearance, feel, and budget. Once you’ve made your choice, the next step is selecting your tobacco.

The first smoking pipes were found in Egypt around 2000 B.C. These pipes were made of copper and found in tombs. Since then, pipes have come a long way and evolved in shape, size, and the materials used. Today, pipes come in a variety of shapes, sizes, materials, and designs, making it easy for anyone to find a pipe that suits their style and budget.

One classic option for beginner pipe smokers is the apple pipe. This type of pipe is characterized by its round bowl and stem, with the shank matching the height of the bowl. Another classic option for those wanting a longer smoke is the churchwarden. These pipes are often made with a long stem that curves and looks elegant.

When it comes to selecting tobacco, there are two main types: aromatic and non-aromatic. Aromatic tobaccos are great for those who want a sweet-smelling, smooth taste. Non-aromatic tobaccos are known for their natural tobacco flavor that is often strong and robust. It is essential to select a tobacco that is of high quality, especially when starting your journey, as this will make it easier for you to handle and experience a pleasant taste.

When it comes to packing the pipe, it is essential to do it correctly to avoid getting a poor smoke. Before packing, ensure the tobacco is dry enough; if it’s too moist, it will not burn well and will affect the taste. The packing technique you use is also crucial. There are three packing methods: the three-pinch pack method, the Frank method, and the air-pocket packing method.

While there are many different types of pipes available, it’s recommended that beginners start with a briar pipe. This is because they are affordable, easy to handle, and the most popular type of pipe. If you have a budget, you can also consider Meerschaum pipes, which are made with a unique material and offer a unique smoking experience.

When it comes to storing your pipe, it’s important to keep it in a safe and dry place. One option is to use an old cigar box, which is perfect for storing your pipe. However, it's important not to mix your pipe tobacco with cigars since the scents and flavors can intermingle, altering the taste of the tobacco and not in a good way. It is also essential to clean and maintain your pipe regularly to keep it in good condition and tasting great.

In summary, starting your pipe smoking journey may seem daunting, but with the right information and tools, it can be an enjoyable experience. Selecting the right pipe, choosing high-quality tobacco, and packing the pipe correctly are key to achieving a smooth and flavorful smoke. Additionally, storing and maintaining your pipe is crucial to ensuring it stays in excellent condition and continues to provide a great smoking experience.

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