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TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery
Natural Army

Natural Army

The Natural Army: An Unexpected Connection With Cigars

Working in a military environment can lead to high levels of stress, so it's no surprise that some soldiers have found an unlikely ally in cigars when it comes to relaxing and unwinding. One theory posits that the copy wrapped around the cigars may have fallen out of an officer's pocket. What happened next is left to speculation, but it's clear that cigars have become a staple in military culture.

In fact, cigars are often included in care packages sent from home to raise the spirits of dedicated military personnel. Premium brands like Boveda offer special humidors and travel cases that keep cigars in perfect condition, even in the most combative environments. Boveda's 2-way humidity control adds and absorbs moisture to lock in a precise 69% RH that's ideal for cigars. It's a small but meaningful gesture that acknowledges the sacrifices our military personnel make every day.

The Natural Army program takes this idea to the next level by making cigars readily available to military personnel. The program's primary goal is to extend a helping hand to active duty soldiers, deployed troops, veterans, and non-profit organizations that support military families. With Natural Army, soldiers can request cigars to share with their fellow troops, as well as enjoy themselves during downtime.

But beyond the tangible benefits of receiving a cigar, there is a deeper connection between soldiers and the cigars they smoke. Many soldiers have likened the experience of smoking a cigar to camaraderie and brotherhood. It's a moment to bond with fellow soldiers, to share experiences and stories, and to find a sense of community in difficult circumstances.

This connection is underscored by the tradition of passing cigars around the campfire. It's a timeless moment that transcends rank, age, and nationality. Sharing a cigar breaks down barriers and creates a shared experience that forges lasting bonds.

However, the association between cigars and military culture has not always been without controversy. In some countries, cigars have been associated with privilege and wealth, which can be at odds with the image of a committed soldier serving their country with honor and sacrifice. Some have argued that smoking cigars betrays a lack of discipline and respect for regulations.

But the fact remains that for many soldiers, cigars are a natural part of military culture. They provide a moment of relaxation and connection amidst the stress and danger of military life. The Natural Army program recognizes this reality and provides a much-needed service for our military personnel.

In conclusion, the connection between cigars and military culture runs deep. From care packages sent from home to the Natural Army program, cigars have become a meaningful and comforting part of life for many soldiers. While some may disagree with the association between cigars and military life, it's clear that for many soldiers, they represent a moment of connection and camaraderie in the face of overwhelming challenges and danger.

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