Highland Cigar Company is a prominent player in the world of cigars, offering a wide range of premium cigars to its patrons. The history of cigars dates back to the 10th century when the Mayans were known to smoke tobacco in various forms, including cigars. However, cigars became widely popular in the 16th century when they were introduced to Europe by Christopher Columbus.
At Highland Cigar Company, they pride themselves on providing a consistent and relaxing environment in which anyone – and we mean anyone – can enjoy cigars, drinks, and more. Their mission statement is clear - to provide the ultimate cigar experience to their customers, regardless of their level of expertise or background. Highland Cigar Company believes that cigars are not just a product or commodity; they are a way of life.
In Miami, Ernesto Perez-Carrillo’s La Gloria Cubana brand, heralded in the third issue of Cigar Aficionado with several 90-point scores for $2 cigars, suddenly had the hottest brand in the market. Over time, the popularity of cigars grew, and more brands began to emerge. Highland’s is one of the most popular cigar brands, boasting hundreds of brands, promising more grandeur in the coming years with a new cigar bar.
Highland’s cigars are unique and different from others, with a smooth flavor and rich aroma. Their cigar blends are made from premium-quality tobacco that is grown in different parts of the world, including the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Honduras. Each cigar is hand-rolled by skilled artisans, ensuring quality and consistency in every puff.
Highland Cigar Company is located in the heart of Atlanta and offers a wide range of services to its customers, including cigar sales, cigar events, and a relaxing smoking lounge. Their lounge has an elegant and cozy atmosphere, making it the ideal place to relax and enjoy a good cigar. It’s also an opportunity to meet other cigar enthusiasts and share experiences about cigars.
Highland’s cigars are incredibly diverse, with different blends for different tastes. They have cigars that are perfect for beginners, as well as cigars that are designed for experienced smokers. The brand offers cigars in different shapes and sizes, including robusto, Churchill, and torpedo. Each cigar has its unique flavor profile, making it easy for customers to find the perfect cigar to suit their taste.
When it comes to whiskey, Highland Cigar Company is the ideal choice. Their whiskey selection is carefully curated, with a wide range of options from all over the world. They also offer whiskey tastings, where customers can learn more about different types of whiskey and how they are made.
In conclusion, Highland Cigar Company has established itself as a premier brand in the world of cigars. With its commitment to quality, consistency, and customer service, it’s no wonder why they have so many loyal customers. Join the legacy, light up a cigar, and experience the ultimate cigar experience with Highland Cigar Company.