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TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery


Marlin: A Comprehensive Guide to Smoking and Enjoying a Cigar

Cigars have been a symbol of luxury and elegance for centuries. With their rich taste and exquisite aroma, they are a must-try for anyone who enjoys a good smoke. However, smoking cigars is more than just lighting up and inhaling. There is an art to smoking and enjoying a cigar, and the Marlin brand is here to help.

Choosing the Cigar

Before you can begin smoking, you need to choose the right cigar. Marlin offers a wide variety of cigars, so you are sure to find one that suits your tastes. When choosing a cigar, you should consider the size and shape, as well as the flavor profile. Marlin offers cigars in various shapes and sizes, making it easier to find a cigar that fits your smoking preference.

Cutting the Cigar

Once you have chosen your cigar, it's time to cut it. Cutting the cigar properly is essential to ensuring an even burn and perfect draw. Marlin cigars come with a pre-cut cap, but if you need to cut it further, use a sharp cigar cutter. You should ensure that you only cut off the cap and nothing more, as this can ruin the cigar's structure.

Your First Draw

Now that your cigar is cut, it's time to light it. Before lighting, you need to take a draw from the unlit cigar to ensure that it has a good draw. This means there should be no resistance when you take a puff. If there is too much resistance, the cigar may be plugged, and you need to cut a bit more off the cap.

Lighting the Cigar

Using a lighter, toast the end of the cigar before lighting it. To toast, hold the flame to the end of the cigar tip and rotate it slowly. Once the cigar is toasted, hold the flame to the end again and take a puff to light it. You should avoid touching the cigar tip directly to the flame.

How to Draw on a Cigar Without Inhaling

One essential technique when smoking cigars is drawing without inhaling. This means that you are only pulling the smoke into your mouth and not into your lungs. This allows you to enjoy the flavor and aroma of the cigar without overwhelming your senses.

How to Hold a Cigar

When smoking a cigar, it's crucial to hold it correctly. Avoid holding it like a cigarette, as this can ruin the cigar and make it hot and harsh. Instead, hold it between your index finger and thumb near the band and lightly between your lips.

Dealing with the Ash

As you smoke, the ash on the cigar will start to build up. You should avoid tapping or ashing the cigar too frequently, as this can ruin the burn. Instead, gently roll the ash off the end of the cigar to maintain an even burn.

Do You Remove the Band?

The signature band on a cigar should be removed before smoking, but you can leave it on for a bit to show off the brand. When removing it, take care not to damage the cigar or accidentally remove too much tobacco with it.

When to Stop Smoking and Put Out Your Cigar

Knowing when to stop smoking a cigar is essential to enjoy it fully. You should stop when you feel satisfied, and the flavors and aroma begin to diminish. It's also crucial to properly extinguish the cigar to avoid any accidental fires.

Cleansing Your Palate and Smoking Another

If you plan on smoking multiple cigars, you should give your palate a chance to rest between smokes. Drinking water or tea and snacking on plain crackers can help cleanse the palate and prepare you for another cigar.

In conclusion, smoking a cigar is more than just lighting up and inhaling. It's an art that requires patience, skill, and knowledge. By following this guide and choosing Marlin cigars, you can experience the luxury and elegance that comes with smoking a fine cigar.

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