Free 5cl Offer
The Free 5cl Offer: What You Need to Know
Many cigar enthusiasts were taken aback when Minister of Finance Regulation No. 199/PMK.10/2019 was imposed, limiting the number of cigars that can receive free excise duty to only five. This regulation, which became effective on July 12, 2019, prompted questions and concerns from avid cigar collectors. However, this should not discourage you from enjoying your favorite cigars as there are still many ways to indulge in your passion for cigars.
JR Cigars is the world's largest cigar store and the best place to buy cigars online. With over 8,000 cigars and more than 130 brands loaded into the platform, Cigar Social offers a comprehensive catalog of both classic and modern cigar options. As a cigar enthusiast, it’s essential to know where to get your cigars, and JR Cigars is the perfect online shop to address your cigar needs.
Their collection is more than just an assortment of cigars; it’s a haven of flavorful experiences. Starting a cigar collection is exciting. There are many excellent cigars to consider today. Take your time and figure out what brands and flavors you enjoy most. Once you find your favorite cigars, you can stock up and add to your collection over time. With JR Cigars, you can rest assured that you’ll receive quality cigars and prompt customer service.
When you order cigars from JR Cigars, you may have access to exclusive daily deals and the best prices. They also offer their customers the JR Insider Loyalty Program, which offers tokens for purchases that can be used as cash to get discounts on future orders or free merchandise. This program is an excellent way to save some money or get some free items while indulging in your passion.
Despite the limitations on the number of tax-free cigars, you can still take advantage of the Free 5cl Offer. For those unfamiliar with the offer, it involves receiving a five-centiliter bottle of liquor with the purchase of cigars from JR Cigars. This promotion is an excellent way to explore and discover various liquor options that you may not have tried before.
Now it’s time to fill it up! Don’t let the limitations of the new regulation limit your cigar collection or the enjoyment of your favorite pastime. JR Cigars and their Free 5cl Offer can help you indulge in your passion for cigars. This promotion provides an exciting opportunity to delve into new liquor options and enhance your cigar experiences. So why not take advantage of this offer and start exploring new cigar and liquor combinations today? Enjoy your smoke gentlemen!