Bella Mundo - Nicaraguan (End of Line)
Mundo is a cigar line that was introduced in the IPCPR 2018 in Las Vegas, and it arrived in the market soon after. The Bella Mundo cigars are handmade by the American Caribbean Cigars factory located in Nicaragua. Brazil’s dark wrapper covers the medium-strength Bella Mundo, giving it a unique appearance that stands out from other cigars in the market.
Nicaragua has emerged as the leading exporter of cigars because of the shift in cigar consumers’ preferences towards smoking fuller-bodied cigars, according to Patel. Bella Mundo cigars were launched back in 2015, and they are manufactured by American Caribbean Cigars. The company has produced blends for many distinguished cigar companies such as Gurkha, Torano, and Leccia Tobacco.
One of the components of Bella Mundo cigars is its complex blend of long-filler tobaccos from Nicaragua. The filler tobaccos are carefully selected and aged, and they range from Corojo 99, Criollo 98, and Habano. The perfectly balanced blend of these tobaccos allows Bella Mundo cigars to deliver a clean and smooth taste.
Bella Mundo cigars have a rich aroma and flavor, which cigar enthusiasts usually prefer. The cigar’s Brazilian wrapper is robust and provides a pleasant smoking experience with its natural sweetness. The wrapper also enhances the cigar’s scent and keeps the stick’s assigned flavor profile intact.
Smokers enjoy Bella Mundo cigars because of their full and spicy flavor. The cigar’s medium strength makes it ideal for cigar enthusiasts who want to smoke without feeling overwhelmed. The stick’s consistent burn allows for a pleasant smoking experience with billowing smoke, making it the perfect cigar for any occasion.
Apart from the great smoking experience, the packaging design of Bella Mundo cigars is alluring. The cigar box boasts beautiful artwork adorning the lid making it an attractive addition to any cigar collection. The unique origin of the cigar also elicits curiosity surrounding Bella Mundo cigars, leading to interest in trying them.
In conclusion, the Bella Mundo cigar line is a must-try for any avid cigar smoker. The unique blend of long-filler tobaccos from Nicaragua, coupled with a distinct Brazilian wrapper, provides the cigar’s full and spicy flavor. The cigar is medium-strength making it an ideal choice for smokers who want to enjoy cigars without feeling overwhelmed. The cigars are handmade at the American Caribbean Cigars factory, adding to their uniqueness. The beautiful artwork on the cigar box is a perfect complement to the smoking experience and a pleasing addition to any cigar collector’s collection.