Cigar Books
Cigar culture is alive and growing across the world. With a rich history, cigar smoking continues to be a pastime enjoyed by many. This has led to an increased interest in the literature surrounding cigars, including books that provide insight into both the history of cigars and the process of cigar production. In this article, we will explore some of the best books available on cigars.
One of the most comprehensive books on cigars is The Ultimate Cigar Book. Authored by Richard Carleton Hacker, it provides an in-depth examination of the cigar. The book is notable for its extensive research on the production of non-Havana cigars. While the book does touch on the history of cigars, it predominantly focuses on modern-day cigar making techniques, cigar culture, and cigar etiquette.
For those who want to explore cigar history, there are several books to choose from. An excellent option is The Cigar: Moments of Pleasure, a beautifully illustrated study of the cigar. Written by Nima Bazrgari and published by teNeues, the book gives an in-depth look at the cigar's roots, from its discovery in the Americas to its worldwide popularity today. It also delves into the social and cultural history of cigar smoking.
Cigar books are not just about history and production techniques. Another outstanding book on cigars is Cigars: A Guide, by Nicholas Foulkes. The book is written as a guide for cigar enthusiasts, both novice and advanced, providing practical advice on choosing, lighting, cutting and smoking cigars. It also features an in-depth study of the pleasure of cigar smoking and the culture that surrounds it, including the food, drink and accessories that enhance the experience.
Another notable title on cigars is The Complete Idiot's Guide to Cigars. Although the title may be misleading, the book provides an in-depth look at cigar culture, history, production, and smoking. It also offers insight into choosing the right cigar, storing cigars, and pairing cigars with appropriate drinks. The book is written in an easy-to-understand format, making it an excellent choice for beginners in the world of cigars.
For those who love photography and cigar smoking, The Cigar: Moments of Pleasure will not disappoint. This book by Min Ron Nee features stunning photography of cigars and is a visual delight for any cigar enthusiast. It also includes information about cigar production, as well as descriptions and reviews of some of the world's most popular cigars.
In conclusion, these are just a few of the many books available on cigars. Despite the rise of digital media, cigar books continue to be an essential resource for any cigar enthusiast, and they make great gifts for cigar lovers. Reading about cigars helps to deepen our understanding and appreciation of cigar culture, history, and production techniques. So, whether you're new to the world of cigars or a seasoned smoker, there is a cigar book out there for you.