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TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery


Zippo - The Iconic Lighter With Clean-Burning Butane Inserts

Zippo is a brand that needs no introduction. For over 80 years, it has been the go-to lighter for smokers of all kinds. From its trademark “click” to its reliable flame, Zippo lighters have been a symbol of quality and craftsmanship. But until recently, using a Zippo to light a cigar was not recommended.

Traditionally, Zippo lighters have used lighter fluid as their fuel source. The problem with this is that the fluid can taint the flavor of your smoke. However, thanks to the introduction of clean-burning butane inserts, this is no longer a concern. The inserts come in two models - single-torch and double-torch - and are compatible with the vast majority of Zippo lighters. At just $14.95, they are an affordable solution for those who want to use a Zippo to light their cigars.

But before we go any further, let’s address the elephant in the room - can you use a Zippo lighter for cigars? The answer is yes, but with some caveats. While the flavor of your smoke may not be impacted as much by the butane inserts, the nature of the Zippo’s flame means that it may not be the ideal choice for cigar lighting. That being said, if you’re a die-hard Zippo fan, the butane inserts are a great way to incorporate your favorite lighter into your cigar-smoking routine.

Of course, Zippo lighters are not just for smoking. In fact, they have become collectors’ items in their own right. And one artist, Mike Porter, has taken this to the next level by creating one-of-a-kind, eye-popping creations featuring rugged imagery. Porter uses the lighters as his canvas, turning them into unique pieces of art that are as much a conversation starter as they are a functional lighter.

In conclusion, Zippo continues to be a trusted brand for smokers and non-smokers alike. With the introduction of its clean-burning butane inserts, cigar smokers can now incorporate their favorite lighter into their routine without fear of tainting their smoke. And for those who appreciate the lighter as a piece of art, Mike Porter’s creations are a must-see. It’s clear that Zippo’s iconic “click” will continue to be heard for generations to come.

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