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TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery


Plunge into the World of Cigars: Understanding the Terminology and Formats

Cigars are not just a smoking indulgence, they are a way of life for many aficionados. To become a connoisseur, understanding the language that surrounds cigars is essential. This article aims to introduce you to the terminology and formats of cigars to help you on your journey to becoming a cigar enthusiast.

Let's start with the basics. Cigars are made up of three main components - the wrapper, the binder tobacco, and the filler tobacco. The wrapper is the outermost leaf, which gives the cigar its appearance and much of its flavor. The binder tobacco holds the filler tobacco in place and contributes to the flavor profile. The filler tobacco is the core of the cigar, and its blend and origin affect the overall flavor.

The cap and foot are also important parts of a cigar. The cap is the rounded end that is cut off before smoking, while the foot is the end that is lit. The cigar band, which bears the brand name, is also a crucial component, as it can indicate the cigar's quality and origin.

Cigars come in a variety of shapes and sizes, known as Vitolas. The different formats offer varying smoking experiences. The robusto is a shorter, fat cigar that provides a full-bodied smoking experience, while the corona is smaller and thinner, offering a milder smoke. The Churchill is a long and thin cigar that offers a smooth and cool smoking experience, while the torpedo is similar but has a tapered end.

When smoking a cigar, one of the most frustrating experiences is when it becomes plugged. A plugged cigar has a knot in the bunch that prevents enough smoke from reaching your mouth. Massaging the cigar gently can sometimes help ease the plug and restore the smoking experience.

Lastly, Total Recall is a term used to describe a cigar that is so enjoyable that you want to remember every detail about it. This term is often used by cigar enthusiasts to describe their favorite smokes.

In conclusion, understanding the terminology and formats of cigars is essential for becoming a cigar aficionado. From the wrapper to the Vitola and Total Recall, each component contributes to the overall smoking experience. So, pick up a cigar and take a plunge into the world of cigars. Who knows, you might just discover your Total Recall.

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