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TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery
Trevi Pipes

Trevi Pipes

CupOJoes.com is the most trusted cigar, pipe, and coffee online store with over 25 years of experience. One of the products we offer is the Savinelli Pipes Trevi Series. Customers who order this product will receive FREE shipping on orders over $95 within the Continental United States.

The Trevi series briars are available in two finishes. One is a rich, smooth brown, while the other is the famous Savinelli pebble-type rustication in glossy black. The rusticated finish adds texture to the pipe and makes it easier to grip. On the other hand, the smooth finish offers a classic and sophisticated look. Customers may choose the finish that best suits their preference.

The Model 320 KS, also known as Author shape, is one of the standout products from the Trevi series. It has a finely detailed, smooth, dark brown finish that is sure to catch the eye. The half-bent model boasts one of the biggest bowls, making it perfect for long smoking sessions. This model has a 6mm filter and is available in both acrylic and standard mouthpieces.

The Trevi 320 KS, Rusticated, is a popular model from the Savinelli Pipes Trevi Series. The 320 is considered a classic, and it's no surprise why. Its shape is unique and has an unmistakable style. The rusticated finish adds character to the pipe and makes it easier to hold for extended periods of time. Overall, the Trevi 320 KS, Rusticated is a great addition to anyone's pipe collection.

Customers who purchase from CupOJoes.com can expect to have access to the largest selection of pipe tobaccos available. We have over 15,000 pipes in stock, ensuring that there is something for every customer. Our team is dedicated to providing the best possible customer service and satisfaction to everyone that orders from us. We are committed to delivering high-quality products and services to all our customers.

In conclusion, the Savinelli Pipes Trevi Series is an excellent addition to any pipe enthusiast's collection. Customers can order from CupOJoes.com, the most trusted cigar, pipe, and coffee online store, and receive FREE shipping on orders over $95 within the Continental United States. The Trevi series briars come in two finishes, a smooth rich brown or the popular pebble-type rustication in glossy black. The Model 320 KS, Author shape, is a standout from the series with its finely detailed, smooth, dark brown finish. The Trevi 320 KS, Rusticated, is also worth considering as it is a classic model with a unique and unmistakable style. With over 15,000 pipes in stock and exceptional customer service, CupOJoes.com is the ultimate destination for all your pipe needs.

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