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TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery
Atlas (Discontinued)

Atlas (Discontinued)

Atlas is a cigar brand that was formed on the philosophy of a comprehensive world map. It was hoped that Atlas cigars would be accepted and enjoyed worldwide. The name "ATLAS" also represents the mythological figure that famously held the weight of the world on his shoulders. Despite this grandiose introduction, Atlas Cigars was ultimately discontinued.

Discontinuation of a product is not an uncommon phenomenon. In some cases, it is due to the product not selling as expected. This was the case for many cigars on Drew Estate's list, including eight of the Atlas cigars. The decision to discontinue these cigars meant that they were no longer available for purchase.

It is interesting to note that many cigars introduced at the IPCPR Trade Show five years ago were also discontinued. This highlights the fact that the cigar industry is constantly changing, with new trends and preferences emerging over time. This makes it crucial for cigar brands to stay relevant and adapt accordingly.

In the past, there was a significantly higher number of cigar types available compared to today. In 1980, there were around 700 vitolas/finishes in production. By 1992, this number had decreased to 549, and by 1995, it had decreased further. This is a clear indication of the evolution of the cigar industry, with certain types of cigars falling out of favor over time.

Interestingly, a study has been conducted on the discontinued use and reuptake of cigar use among W1 P30D cigar users. The aim of the study was to compare longitudinal transitions of use among W1 ex-cigar users to those who continued to smoke cigars. While this study is not directly related to the discontinuation of Atlas cigars, it highlights the importance of understanding consumer behavior and preferences in the cigar industry.

Despite being discontinued, Atlas cigars remain a popular topic of discussion among cigar enthusiasts. Some have even sought out and collected remaining stock as a reminder of the brand's existence. This demonstrates the lasting impact that Atlas cigars had on the industry despite its relatively short lifespan.

In conclusion, the discontinuation of Atlas cigars serves as a reminder of the ever-changing nature of the cigar industry. Brands must stay adaptable and relevant to meet changing consumer preferences. As for Atlas cigars, although they are no longer in production, their legacy lives on in the hearts and memories of cigar enthusiasts who were fortunate enough to enjoy them while they were available.

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