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TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery


Signature – The world-renowned cigarillo brand

Signature, formerly known as Café Crème, is recognized as one of the world's largest cigarillo brands and the top-selling brand in the ST Group. This cigarillo is sold in over 80 countries, and its popularity continues to grow year after year. With its unique blend of tobaccos from different countries, the Signature cigarillo has become an emblem of sophistication and class.

Ernesto Perez-Carrillo - The cigar industry icon behind Signature

Ernesto Perez-Carrillo, a cigar industry icon, has been instrumental in making Signature one of the most sought-after cigarillo brands in the world. At the age of 57, he still has a burning desire to pass on his knowledge and experience to the next generation of cigar makers. Ernesto and his family have been in the cigar-making business in the United States for over 100 years, making them true pioneers in the industry.

Flavored cigars and the market

The use of flavorings in cigars has become increasingly popular in recent years. Manufacturers are introducing different flavors to the market to cater to the changing tastes of cigar lovers. The introduction of flavored cigars has also allowed producers to appeal to a younger and more diverse audience. The Scandinavian Tobacco Group UK is one such company that introduced the flavored cigar to the market, and it has since become a leader in the field.

Making of a cigar - The anatomy of a cigar

Cigars and cigarillos are made up of different parts, each of which contributes to its unique flavor and aroma. The tobacco used in making a cigar is grown in different countries, and each type of tobacco has its distinct flavor. The tobacco leaves are cured, aged, and fermented to remove impurities. The blend of different types of cured tobacco leaves is then determined by the cigar manufacturer, ensuring that each cigar has its unique flavor.

The difference between cigar and cigarillo

The difference between a cigar and a cigarillo can be quite subtle. Cigars are usually longer, thicker, and wrapped in larger leaves than cigarillos. Some cigarillos are machine-made, while cigars are generally hand-rolled. Cigarillos are usually shorter and thinner, making them ideal for a quick smoke.


In conclusion, Signature cigarillos are a testament to quality, precision, and the masterful art of cigar-making. The use of tobaccos from different parts of the world, combined in precise proportions, has made Signature a brand that is celebrated worldwide. With the guidance of cigar industry stalwarts like Ernesto Perez-Carrillo and the introduction of new and exciting flavors, the future looks bright for the Signature cigarillo brand. Whether you are an avid cigar smoker or looking for an occasional smoke, Signature cigarillos are guaranteed to offer you an unforgettable smoking experience.

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