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TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery
Flints & Gas

Flints & Gas

The art of lighting cigars has been perfected over time with advancements in lighter technology. Different lighters require different techniques when it comes to replacing their flint. This article will guide you through the steps for replacing flints in three popular lighters: the Zippo, the S.T. Dupont Ligne 2, and the Dunhill Rollagas.

To replace a Zippo flint, start by removing the lighter's interior from the chassis. Then, unscrew the spring-loaded flathead screw at the bottom of the lighter while holding onto the head of the screw tightly to prevent it from shooting out. Once the screw and spring are removed, spin the flint wheel to check for any slivers of the old flint stuck under the wheel. The wheel should spin freely once any fragments are removed.

When replacing the flint in an S.T. Dupont Ligne 2 lighter, first locate the screw that secures the flint. Remove the screw using a small screwdriver, taking care not to lose any of its components. Once the screw is removed, take out the old flint and insert a new one. Remember to screw the mechanism back together tightly to avoid any leaks.

Replacing a Dunhill Rollagas flint involves disassembling the lighter by using the special tool that comes with it. Remove the screw located at the base of the lighter, followed by the valve spring and valve wheel. Then, take out the old flint and insert a new one. Reassemble the lighter components, ensuring that the valve spring and wheel are placed correctly.

If you're new to cigar smoking, it's important to learn the proper technique for lighting them. Our guides can help you improve your technique and enjoy your cigars to the fullest. It's interesting to note that the first lighters were made from converted firearms and were not exactly portable. Johann Wolfgang Döbereiner, a German chemist, invented the first lighter that could be carried around in one's pocket in 1823.

Nowadays, lighters are an essential tool for cigar smokers, and flint replacement is a crucial aspect of maintaining their functionality. It's recommended to replace the flints in your lighter every few weeks of consistent use to prevent damage to the mechanism. Remember that different lighters may have different processes for replacing the flint, so always consult the manufacturer's instructions or a guide before attempting to replace it.

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