Home > ACCESSORIES > Lighters > Colibri Cigar Lighters > Eclipse>Eclipse images
TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery


If you are a cigar enthusiast, knowing how to properly light a cigar is essential. Follow these three steps to achieve the perfect light: first, light your cigar the same way you would toast a marshmallow over a fire. Second, blow out any excess charcoal on your cigar. Finally, continue to puff on your cigar until it has a smooth and even burn. There are different methods for lighting a cigar, but the most common is to use a butane lighter or a wooden match. Using a lighter or match that uses lighter fluid can add unwanted flavors to your cigar.

One of the more popular cigar brands on the market is Eclipse. The Eclipse is a new type of smoking item that has been marketed as a cigarette. It is unique in that the physical dimensions of the Eclipse cigarette closely resemble those of a cigar. This makes the Eclipse a popular choice for those who love the taste of a cigar but want the convenience of a cigarette.

The anatomy of an Eclipse is worth examining. The Eclipse Tube 6 x 52 ASVET has a dark brown Sungrown wrapper packed in a sleek and elegant jet black tube. The spicy dark wrapper is complimented by the smooth, creamy smoke that escapes from it. Smokers who are familiar with the taste of cigars will appreciate the unique flavor profile of an Eclipse.

When it comes to lighting an Eclipse, the same rules apply as with lighting a regular cigar. A butane lighter or wooden match can be used. Use care when lighting an Eclipse, as the wrapper is delicate and easily damaged. Hold the Eclipse just above the flame, and rotate it slowly to ensure an even light. Again, be sure to blow out any excess charcoal, and continue to puff on the Eclipse to create a smooth, even burn.

If you find that your cigar or Eclipse burns unevenly, there are a few steps you can take to correct the problem. First, move the cigar or Eclipse to an area where it is not as windy. Wind can cause a cigar to burn unevenly. Second, use a butane lighter or wooden match to char the area of the cigar that is burning too quickly. Finally, take your time while smoking. Puff slowly and steadily to ensure an even burn.

In addition to proper lighting techniques, storing your cigars or Eclipses correctly is also important. Cigars should be stored at a temperature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit and 70% relative humidity. The same is true for Eclipses. Use a hygrometer to ensure that your cigars or Eclipses are being stored at the appropriate temperature and humidity level.

In conclusion, the art of lighting a cigar or Eclipse is not as simple as lighting a cigarette. It requires patience and a steady hand. By following the steps outlined here, you can achieve the perfect light and enjoy the full flavor profile of your Eclipse or cigar. Remember to store your cigars or Eclipses properly to ensure the best possible smoking experience.

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