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TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery
OAP Mix (Pensioners mix) Pipe Tobacco

OAP Mix (Pensioners mix) Pipe Tobacco

OAP mix (pensioners mix) pipe tobacco is available in various types such as Gawith, Hoggarth & Co. - Pensioners Mixture, OAP Blend (Formerly Pensioners Mixture) Pipe Tobacco (Loose), and Gawith Hoggarth | Pensioners Mixture Pipe Tobacco - 25g. It is made from 'a little bit of everything', the bits and pieces of tobacco left over throughout the manufacturing process. It is cased with a Lakeland style scent and has a sweet fruity aromatic smell that carries well over the rich, cool smoke. It can be purchased from retailers such as Turmeaus and Havana House. I hope this helps!

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