This cigar is one that truly is worth getting excited about. You just have to look at it, to touch it and to smell it before you light it to know it's something special.
From the very first puff the cigar offered a delicious, smooth taste, that I reckon is nearer medium than mild. My descriptive powers are somewhat lacking when it comes to flavours. I couldn't tell you whether there was a hint of chocolate or spice - but I can tell you I thoroughly enjoyed it.
The cap began to unfurl a little half-way through - and honestly this was due to lack of glue rather than my cutting skills. And the burn wasn't particularly even and I had to level it up with my lighter a couple of times.
So should I dock it a point then? Absolutely not! The Magnum 48, to me, is what smoking cigars is all about. An experience that rouses all the senses, not just taste, which just happens to be very, very good indeed.