Home > New World Cigars > Davidoff Cigars > Davidoff Aniversario Entreacto Cigar - 1 Single (End of Line)
  • Davidoff Aniversario Entreacto Cigar - 1 Single (End of Line)

Davidoff Aniversario Entreacto Cigar - 1 Single (End of Line)

Price: $28.5
Length: 3.5 inches
Ring: 43
weight: 0 kg
smoke time: 20 minutes

As a cigar aficionado, you're always on the lookout for unique and high-quality cigars to add to your collection. And if you're searching for something special, look no further than the Davidoff Aniversario Entreacto Cigar - 1 Single (End of Line). This premium cigar is crafted with care and precision, using only the finest tobacco leaves from around the world. But what makes this cigar truly exceptional? Let's dive in and find out!

The Davidoff Aniversario Entreacto Cigar is a classic blend of elegance, sophistication and flavor. It features a smooth and creamy Ecuadorian wrapper that encases the finest Dominican filler and binder tobaccos.

This cigar has been carefully crafted to offer an unparalleled smoking experience. The blend offers notes of cedar, leather, coffee and spice which harmoniously complement each other to create a complex yet balanced profile.

The Entreacto vitola, meaning "intermission" in Spanish, is perfect for busy smokers who don't have hours to spare but still want to enjoy all the flavors this cigar has to offer. Its compact size also makes it ideal for those who prefer shorter smokes without sacrificing quality or taste.

Each stick comes individually wrapped in cellophane packaging which helps maintain its freshness until you're ready to light up. This means you can store them safely in your humidor until you're ready to indulge yourself with one (or more) at any time!

In short, if you're looking for a premium quality cigar that offers both elegance and sublime flavors in just 30-40 minutes of smoking time - look no further than the Davidoff Aniversario Entreacto Cigar!

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