Home > New World Cigars > Davidoff Cigars > Davidoff Special 'R' Cigar - 1 Single Cigar
  • Davidoff Special 'R' Cigar - 1 Single Cigar

Davidoff Special 'R' Cigar - 1 Single Cigar

Price: $39.28
Length: 4.875 inches
Ring: 50
weight: 0 kg
smoke time: 50 minutes

Are you a cigar enthusiast looking for something special to add to your collection? Look no further than the Davidoff Special 'R' Cigar. This single cigar is crafted with the highest quality tobacco and boasts a rich, smooth flavor that will leave you wanting more. But what sets this cigar apart from others on the market? Keep reading to find out why the Davidoff Special 'R' should be at the top of your must-try list.

Crafted with the finest tobacco from the Dominican Republic, the Davidoff Special 'R' Cigar is a true masterpiece. Its rich aroma and smooth draw will entice even non-cigar smokers to give it a try. What makes this cigar unique is its blend of different tobaccos that creates an unparalleled taste experience.

The wrapper of this cigar has a beautiful reddish-brown color that's silky smooth to the touch. The medium-bodied strength offers a balanced smoking experience for both beginners and connoisseurs alike. The flavor notes of roasted nuts, leather, and hints of spices make each puff an enjoyable journey in itself.

Whether you're looking for something special to celebrate or simply want to unwind after a long day, the Davidoff Special 'R' Cigar offers an exceptional smoking experience like no other. So take some time out for yourself and indulge in one today!

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