Rafael Gonzalez Cigars: A Legacy of Quality and Tradition
Rafael Gonzalez cigars have been a mainstay of the Cuban cigar industry for almost a century. The brand was created in the 1930s, and named after its founder. Since then, it has established a reputation for quality and tradition that has endured to this day.
The brand's regular catalogue currently consists of 13 cigars, all of which were introduced before the Cuban Revolution. Among these are the Cigarritos, a Laguito No.3 (26 x 115 mm); and the Coronas. One of the most famous cigars in the Rafael Gonzalez lineup is the Lonsdale. This cigar was named after Lord Lonsdale, the famous English sportsman who was a frequent visitor to Cuba in the early part of the 20th century. The Lonsdale measures 165mm by 42 ring gauge, and is considered by many to be one of the finest cigars ever made.
Despite its storied history, the Rafael Gonzalez brand has not been immune to the changes that have swept through the Cuban cigar industry in recent decades. In 1960, the brand's production was nationalized and it became part of the state-owned Empresa Cubana del Tabaco. This change signaled a new era for Rafael Gonzalez cigars, one that would see the brand expand into new markets and develop new lines of cigars.
Today, Rafael Gonzalez cigars remain a popular choice among cigar enthusiasts and connoisseurs around the world. The brand's commitment to quality and tradition has never wavered, and its cigars continue to be made using the same time-honored methods that have been passed down from generation to generation. Each cigar is rolled by hand, using only the finest tobacco leaves grown in the famed Vuelta Abajo region of Cuba.
One of the things that sets Rafael Gonzalez cigars apart from other brands is their unique flavor profile. The company uses a special blend of tobacco that has been aged for at least three years, which gives its cigars a smooth, rich taste that is both complex and satisfying. The cigars are known for their earthy aroma, notes of chocolate and coffee, and a subtle sweetness that lingers on the palate.
While the cigar market has become increasingly competitive in recent years, Rafael Gonzalez cigars continue to hold their own. The brand's commitment to quality and tradition, combined with its unique flavor profile, has helped it stand out in a crowded field. Whether you are a seasoned cigar aficionado or a newcomer to the world of premium cigars, there is something special about a Rafael Gonzalez cigar that is sure to delight the senses and satisfy the soul.