Home > Cara Ebony>Cara Ebony images
TIME:January 31, 2023   Author:CigarQuery
Cara Ebony

Cara Ebony

Cara Ebony is a line of smoking pipes made by Peterson. Offered in either smooth or sandblasted finishes, with jet-black stains and sterling silver accents, the Cara series combines timeless style with a modern aesthetic. The Peterson Cara Ebony 03 has a half bent pipe with a medium plump apple bowl, bright silver band, jet black vulcanite stem and fishtail mouthpiece. The Cara Smooth (05) Fishtail Ebony Unsmoked Pipe has an iconic shape with its tubular nature and slightly flared rim. Peterson Cara Ebony Pipes are sold by Fumer Chic, Cgars Ltd., CupOJoes.com, and Miss Morans. I hope this helps!

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