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Do you really need a humidor for cigars?


If you're a cigar aficionado, you might be wondering whether you need a humidor to keep your cigars fresh. The short answer is yes, you absolutely do. Cigars need precisely controlled temperature and moisture levels in order to keep them fresh for long-term storage, and without a humidor, you risk ruining your investment.

So, how long can cigars last without a humidor? The truth is that they won't last very long at all. Without proper storage, cigars can dry out in a matter of days or even hours. When a cigar dries out, it becomes brittle and loses its flavor and aroma. In extreme cases, it can even crack or fall apart.

What happens to cigars without a humidor? When cigars are exposed to the air, they begin to lose moisture. This can cause the wrapper to crack or unravel, and the filler to become loose. As the cigar dries out, it loses its flavor and aroma, and can become harsh and bitter.

What about storing cigars in their box? While cigar boxes can help protect cigars from damage, they are not a substitute for a humidor. Cigar boxes are designed for short-term storage and are not airtight, so they won't maintain the proper moisture levels over the long term.

And what about storing cigars in the refrigerator? This is a common myth, but it's not a good idea. Refrigerators are designed to remove moisture, not add it, so storing cigars in the fridge can actually dry them out even faster.

So, what is a humidor, and how does it work? A humidor is a special container designed to maintain the proper temperature and humidity levels for storing cigars. It typically consists of a wooden box with a sealable lid, a humidification device, and a hygrometer to monitor humidity levels. The humidification device adds moisture to the air inside the humidor, while the hygrometer helps you keep track of the humidity levels.

While a humidor does require regular maintenance, it's well worth the effort if you're serious about preserving the quality of your cigars. If you don't have a humidor, there are ways to store cigars without one, but they are not ideal for long-term storage. In the end, investing in a good humidor is the best way to ensure that your cigars stay fresh and flavorful for years to come.