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What can i use instead of a humidor?


If you're a cigar enthusiast, you know how important it is to store your cigars in optimal conditions, particularly in a humidor. However, not everyone has access to a humidor or the means to acquire one. The good news is that there are alternative options available that can help maintain the freshness and quality of your cigars.

One option is to use a Tupperware box or a jar as an improvised humidor. Make sure that the lid is airtight so that the moisture does not dissipate. This option is particularly useful for short-term storage, but it may not be as effective for long-term storage.

Another option is to use humidity pouches, which are small packets that are designed to maintain optimal conditions for cigars on the go. These pouches can be bought from most cigar stores and are a convenient way to store cigars without a humidor.

If you're wondering how long you can keep a cigar without a humidor, it really depends on the conditions and how well you store them. If you're using an improvised humidor or humidity pouches, you can keep your cigars fresh for a few weeks, but it's best to smoke them sooner rather than later.

While a humidor is the ideal way to store cigars, it's not always necessary. If you're only storing a few cigars for a short period of time, an improvised humidor or humidity pouches can work just as well. However, if you're planning on storing cigars for an extended period of time, investing in a proper humidor is the best option.

It's also worth noting that a ziplock bag is not a suitable alternative to a humidor as it does not provide the necessary humidity control. Additionally, using a refrigerator as a humidor is not recommended as it can dry out your cigars and alter their flavor.

In summary, if you don't have a humidor, you can improvise one using a Tupperware box or a jar with an airtight lid, or use humidity pouches. However, if you're serious about storing your cigars for the long-term, investing in a proper humidor is recommended.