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What is the smoothest cigar


If you're a cigar aficionado, you know that not all cigars are created equal. Some are strong and bold, while others are more mild and smooth. If you're looking for a cigar that's easy to smoke and won't overpower your senses, then you might be interested in trying out some of the smoothest cigars on the market.

According to a top 10 list of mellow cigars compiled by Famous Smoke, some of the smoothest cigars include Acid, Baccarat, Rocky Patel American Market, Oliva Connecticut Reserve, Macanudo Cafe, Ashton Classic, Griffin's, and Don Tomas Special Edition Connecticut. These cigars are noted for their mild flavor and easy draw, making them perfect for beginners or occasional smokers.

But what exactly makes a cigar smooth? Smooth cigars are typically made with lighter, milder tobacco blends that don't have the harshness or bitterness that some stronger blends can have. These cigars are also often aged longer than their stronger counterparts, which can help to mellow out any harsh flavors.

For those who prefer a sweeter cigar, Acid cigars are a popular choice. These cigars are infused with a variety of flavors, including honey, vanilla, and cherry, which can give them a smooth, sweet taste.

Of course, taste is subjective, and what one person finds smooth and enjoyable, another may not. If you're new to smoking cigars, it's always a good idea to start with milder blends and work your way up to stronger ones as your palate develops.

Overall, there are plenty of smooth cigars on the market to choose from, so it's worth trying out a few to see which ones suit your tastes the best. Whether you're looking for a mild smoke to enjoy with friends or a sweet cigar to savor after a meal, there's sure to be a smooth cigar out there for you.