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How does cigar aficionado rate cigars?


Cigar Aficionado is a well-known publication that has been rating cigars for over 25 years. Their rating system consists of a 100-point ranking system, which takes into account various criteria such as appearance & construction, flavor, smoking performance, and overall impression.

The process of rating cigars is subjective, as everyone's tastes and preferences may differ. However, the opinions of cigar experts are highly regarded in the industry, and their ratings can influence the purchasing decisions of cigar aficionados.

To determine the ratings, Cigar Aficionado has a panel of expert tasters who smoke and rate the cigars blind. This means that the tasters do not know the brand, origin, or price of the cigar they are smoking, which helps to eliminate any bias. The tasters then use a standardized scoring system to rate the cigars based on specific criteria.

In recent years, the ratings have become more competitive, with only the best of the best receiving high scores. For example, in one year, only four cigars received a score of 95 points, which is considered a stunning score. This shows that the industry is constantly evolving and improving, and that only the highest quality cigars are recognized by experts.

While the ratings are important in the industry, it is important to note that they are not the only factor to consider when choosing a cigar. Personal preferences, budget, and availability are also important factors to take into account.

In conclusion, the rating system used by Cigar Aficionado is a comprehensive and objective way to evaluate cigars. While the ratings are subjective, they are highly regarded in the industry and can influence purchasing decisions. However, it is important to remember that personal preferences should also be taken into account when choosing a cigar.