Top 5 Non-Cuban Cigars You Should Try in 2022
Cigar enthusiasts are always on the lookout for the best non-Cuban cigars to add to their collection. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. To help you out, we have compiled a list of the top 5 non-Cuban cigars that are worth trying in 2022.
1. La Flor Dominicana Golden Bull NFT
The La Flor Dominicana Golden Bull NFT is a limited edition cigar that is highly sought after by cigar aficionados. It is made with a blend of Dominican Republic tobaccos and features a beautiful Ecuadorian Habano wrapper. The cigar is medium to full-bodied with notes of cocoa, leather, and spice.
2. Meerapfel "Richard" Double Robusto
The Meerapfel "Richard" Double Robusto is a premium cigar that is handcrafted in Nicaragua. It is made with a blend of Nicaraguan and Dominican Republic tobaccos and features a Nicaraguan Habano wrapper. The cigar is medium to full-bodied with notes of cedar, leather, and earth.
3. Ferio Tego Elegancia 2022 Edition
The Ferio Tego Elegancia 2022 Edition is a new release that has quickly become a fan favorite among cigar enthusiasts. It is made with a blend of Dominican Republic and Nicaraguan tobaccos and features an Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper. The cigar is medium-bodied with notes of coffee, nuts, and spice.
4. J.C. Newman 125 Anniversary
The J.C. Newman 125 Anniversary cigar is a special release that celebrates the company's 125th anniversary. It is made with a blend of Dominican Republic and Nicaraguan tobaccos and features an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper. The cigar is medium-bodied with notes of caramel, cedar, and pepper.
5. La Aurora Family Reserve Fernando León Legacy Lancero
The La Aurora Family Reserve Fernando León Legacy Lancero is a limited edition cigar that is highly sought after by cigar enthusiasts. It is made with a blend of Dominican Republic and Nicaraguan tobaccos and features an Ecuadorian wrapper. The cigar is medium-bodied with notes of earth, leather, and spice.
In conclusion, these are some of the top 5 non-Cuban cigars that you should consider trying in 2022. Each cigar has its unique flavor profile and is made with the finest tobacco leaves. Whether you are a seasoned smoker or just starting, these cigars are sure to provide a memorable smoking experience.