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How long do cigars last in fridge


Cigars are a beloved pastime for many people, and proper storage is crucial to keeping them fresh and enjoyable. One question that often arises is how long do cigars last in the fridge? The internet provides a range of opinions and answers to this question, so we've collected some of the most relevant information to help you make an informed decision.

Firstly, it's important to note that cigars stored in a cooler that maintains appropriate humidity and temperature should last for up to three months. This is comparable to storing them in a homemade Tupperware humidor. However, if you don't have a humidor, you may be wondering how long cigars can last without one.

According to Cigarzine, cigars can last for several weeks or even months without a humidor, depending on the storage conditions. However, the article also notes that cigars stored in dry conditions will quickly lose their flavor and become harsh and bitter. Therefore, if you plan to store cigars without a humidor, it's important to keep them in a sealed, airtight container with a humidity source like a Boveda pack.

So, can you store cigars in the fridge? The answer is no. Holt's Cigar Company advises against storing cigars in the refrigerator as it can cause them to dry out, leading to loss of flavor and aroma. Additionally, the low temperature of a fridge can cause the oils and resins in the cigar to solidify, which can affect the smoking experience.

If you're wondering how long cigars can stay fresh, the answer depends on the storage conditions. Cigars stored in a humidor or cooler with appropriate humidity and temperature can last for months, while cigars stored in dry conditions may only last a few weeks. It's also worth noting that cigars can stay fresh in their wrapper for up to a year, as long as they are stored in a cool, dry place.

Lastly, how do you know if a cigar has gone bad? Signs of a bad cigar include a bitter or sour taste, a harsh smell, or a dry, brittle wrapper. If you notice these signs, it's best to discard the cigar and try a fresh one.

In conclusion, proper storage is crucial to keeping cigars fresh and enjoyable. While storing cigars in the fridge may seem like a convenient option, it's best to avoid it and instead invest in a humidor or cooler with appropriate humidity and temperature control. With proper storage, your cigars can last for months and provide a satisfying smoking experience.