Legal cigars are a popular indulgence among cigar enthusiasts. While Cuban cigars may be the most well-known, non-Cuban cigars have also gained a reputation for their exceptional quality and flavor. In this article, we will explore the top ten best non-Cuban cigars that are legally available on the market.
1. Joya De Nicaragua Cuatro Cinco Reserva Especial
This Nicaraguan cigar boasts a complex flavor profile with hints of cedar, leather, and coffee. It is a medium-bodied cigar that is well-balanced and perfect for both beginners and experienced smokers.
2. Padron 926 Series
The Padron 926 Series is a full-bodied cigar with a spicy and earthy flavor. It is handcrafted in Nicaragua and made from premium tobacco leaves. The cigar has a long and smooth finish that will leave you wanting more.
3. Punch Signature Gigante
The Punch Signature Gigante is a medium-bodied cigar with a rich and creamy flavor. It is made from a blend of Nicaraguan and Dominican tobacco that is wrapped in an Ecuadorian Corojo wrapper. This cigar has a smooth draw and a long finish.
4. Rockey Patel Sun Grown Maduro
The Rockey Patel Sun Grown Maduro is a full-bodied cigar with a rich and complex flavor. It is made from a blend of Nicaraguan and Honduran tobacco that is wrapped in a dark and oily Maduro wrapper. This cigar has a smooth draw and a long finish.
5. Montecristo White Churchill
The Montecristo White Churchill is a medium-bodied cigar with a creamy and smooth flavor. It is made from a blend of Dominican and Nicaraguan tobacco that is wrapped in an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper. This cigar has a perfect draw and a long finish.
6. La Flor Dominicana
The La Flor Dominicana is a full-bodied cigar with a rich and spicy flavor. It is made from a blend of Dominican tobacco that is wrapped in a dark and oily wrapper. This cigar has a smooth draw and a long finish.
7. Ligo Pravada No.
The Ligo Pravada No. is a full-bodied cigar with a complex and bold flavor. It is made from a blend of Nicaraguan and Dominican tobacco that is wrapped in a dark and oily wrapper. This cigar has a smooth draw and a long finish.
8. My Father No. 1 Robusto
The My Father No. 1 Robusto is a medium-bodied cigar with a rich and complex flavor. It is made from a blend of Nicaraguan tobacco that is wrapped in a dark and oily wrapper. This cigar has a smooth draw and a long finish.
9. Davidoff Nicaragua Box Pressed
The Davidoff Nicaragua Box Pressed is a medium-bodied cigar with a sweet and spicy flavor. It is made from a blend of Nicaraguan tobacco that is wrapped in a dark and oily wrapper. This cigar has a smooth draw and a long finish.
10. Oliva Serie V Melanio
The Oliva Serie V Melanio is a full-bodied cigar with a rich and complex flavor. It is made from a blend of Nicaraguan tobacco that is wrapped in an Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper. This cigar has a smooth draw and a long finish.
In conclusion, these ten best non-Cuban cigars offer a wide range of flavors and strengths to satisfy any cigar enthusiast. While Cuban cigars may be the most famous, these cigars prove that non-Cuban cigars can be just as exceptional.