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Brands of cigarettes ontario


Being the most populous province in Canada, Ontario has a significant smoking population. According to a study by the Ontario Tobacco Research Unit conducted in 2007, the most commonly smoked cigarette brand family in Ontario was du Maurier, followed by Player's, Matinée, Number 7, and Peter Jackson. These brands have remained popular among smokers in the province despite efforts to curb smoking.

Cigarette brands available in Canada are similar to those sold in other countries. However, some Canadian-specific brands include du Maurier, Player's, Matinée, Number 7, and Peter Jackson. These brands are produced by large tobacco companies and are widely available for purchase throughout the province.

The popularity of cigarette brands in Canada and Ontario has been a subject of interest for many people. According to various sources, the most popular cigarette brand in Canada is du Maurier. This brand has consistently been the top-selling cigarette brand in the country for many years.

Other popular cigarette brands in Canada include Benson & Hedges, Rothmans, Export A, and Belmont. These brands are also widely available in Ontario and other parts of the country.

Despite the popularity of these brands, it is important to note that smoking has significant health risks, including cancer, heart disease, and respiratory problems. It is recommended that individuals quit smoking or avoid starting altogether to reduce their risk of developing these health issues.

In conclusion, Ontario and Canada have a variety of cigarette brands available for purchase, with du Maurier being the most popular. However, it is important to remember the health risks associated with smoking and take steps to quit or avoid starting altogether.