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Best cigar ever


For cigar enthusiasts, finding the perfect cigar can be a lifelong pursuit. While there are numerous options to choose from, some cigars stand out as the best of the best. Here are some of the top contenders for the title of the "best cigar ever."

Cohiba is arguably the most recognized Cuban cigar brand worldwide. The Cohiba Robusto has been rated 90 points or higher seven times, making it a go-to choice for many aficionados. Another notable mention from Cohiba is the Cohiba Behike, which can fetch a hefty price tag of $450.

Hoyo de Monterrey is another brand that has earned a reputation for producing some of the best cigars in the world. The standout for this brand is the Hoyo de Monterrey Double Corona, which received a near-perfect 99 points in a Winter 1992 issue.

For those looking beyond Cuban cigars, Fuente Fuente Opus X is a popular choice. While not always easy to find, this cigar is highly sought after by aficionados and has been rated as one of the best cigars in the world. Another Fuente cigar that is worth mentioning is the Arturo Fuente AnniverXario, which has a price tag of $78 and is highly regarded by cigar enthusiasts.

Davidoff is another brand that is known for producing top-quality cigars. The Winston Churchill The Traveller and the Yamasá are both highly rated by critics and aficionados alike. The Avo Improvisation, the Ramon Allones Superiores LCDH, and the Nub Sumatra are also worth mentioning as some of the best cigars available today.

While these cigars may come with a hefty price tag, many aficionados believe they are worth the investment. Whether you prefer Cuban cigars or something else entirely, there is no denying that these cigars are some of the best in the world.