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Cigar direct


Cigars Direct: Your One-Stop Online Shop for Cigars and Smoking Accessories

Cigars Direct is an online cigar shop that provides an extensive selection of cigars and smoking accessories. Established in 1998, the company has been committed to offering high-quality cigars at affordable prices. Whether you are a seasoned smoker or just starting, Cigars Direct has something to offer for everyone.

The online store offers a wide range of products, including cigars, samplers, cigarillos, flavored cigars, and smoking accessories. You can find popular brands such as Cohiba, Romeo y Julieta, Montecristo, and more. Additionally, the store offers exclusive deals and discounts, making it a go-to destination for cigar enthusiasts.

One of the unique features of Cigars Direct is its direct-to-consumer (DTC) advertising method. This method is commonly used to promote tobacco products, including cigars. With Cigars Direct, you can conveniently purchase your favorite cigars online, without having to leave your home.

Cigars Direct's product line includes the Cohiba Blue Gigante 7x70 cigar, made in the Dominican Republic with a Honduran wrapper, binder, and filler. This cigar is perfect for those who prefer a fuller body and a bolder taste.

Apart from cigars, Cigars Direct also offers smoking accessories such as cigar cutters, lighters, humidors, and ashtrays. These accessories are essential for cigar enthusiasts who want to enhance their smoking experience.

In conclusion, Cigars Direct is a one-stop-shop for all your cigar needs. With its extensive selection of products and direct-to-consumer advertising method, the online shop provides a convenient and affordable way to purchase cigars and smoking accessories. So, whether you are a seasoned smoker or just starting, check out Cigars Direct and enjoy the best smoking experience.