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Who Is Miguel Díaz-Canel, Cuba’s New President?


On April 19, 2018, Miguel Díaz-Canel was sworn in as the new President of Cuba, replacing Raúl Castro, who had held the position since 2008. Díaz-Canel's ascent to the presidency represents a significant shift in Cuban politics, as he is the first leader of the country who was not involved in the Cuban Revolution of 1959.

Early Life and Career

Miguel Díaz-Canel was born in the city of Placetas, Cuba, in 1960. He studied electrical engineering at the Central University of Las Villas and became involved in the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) during his university years. After graduating in 1982, he began working for the Ministry of Education and later held various positions in the government and the PCC.

Díaz-Canel's rise through the ranks of the Communist Party was steady but unremarkable. He served as the First Secretary of the PCC in the provinces of Villa Clara and Holguín and later as the Minister of Higher Education. In 2013, he was appointed as the Vice President of the Council of Ministers and was widely seen as the heir apparent to Raúl Castro.


Díaz-Canel's presidency comes at a time of significant change in Cuba. The country is grappling with economic challenges and political reforms, as well as the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

In his first public address as President, Díaz-Canel emphasized his commitment to continuity and stability, stating that he would continue to follow the path set by his predecessors. However, he also acknowledged the need for change and reform, stating that the country needed to "update our economic and social model."

Since taking office, Díaz-Canel has taken steps to modernize Cuba's economy, including loosening restrictions on private enterprise and foreign investment. He has also taken a more conciliatory approach to the United States, which has imposed economic sanctions on Cuba for decades.

Despite these efforts, Díaz-Canel's presidency has been marked by continued political repression and human rights abuses. Cuban dissidents and political activists have criticized him for failing to make meaningful changes to the country's political system.


It is too early to say what kind of legacy Miguel Díaz-Canel will leave as President of Cuba. He faces significant challenges in modernizing the country's economy and political system, and it remains to be seen whether he will be able to implement meaningful reforms.

One thing is clear, however: Díaz-Canel's presidency represents a significant shift in Cuban politics. He is the first leader of the country who was not involved in the Cuban Revolution, and his ascension to power could mark the beginning of a new era in Cuban history. Whether that era will be defined by reform and progress, or by continued repression and stagnation, remains to be seen.