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White Spots on Cigars


White spots on cigars can be an indication of a common cigar problem known as "plume" or "bloom," or it can also be a sign of a mold problem. Here's how to tell the difference:

1、Plume/Bloom: Plume or bloom is a natural occurrence that happens when oils from the tobacco leaf crystalize on the surface of the cigar. It appears as a light, powdery white substance on the wrapper of the cigar. It is not harmful and is actually considered a sign of good aging.

2、Mold: Mold is a fungus that grows on the surface of the cigar, and it can be harmful to smoke. It appears as a fuzzy white or green substance on the wrapper of the cigar. Mold can be caused by high humidity levels or exposure to moisture, and it can also be a sign of poor storage conditions.

If you suspect that your cigars have mold, it's best to discard them and clean your humidor thoroughly to prevent further mold growth. If you see white spots on your cigars that are powdery and not fuzzy, it's likely that it's plume or bloom. In this case, you can simply wipe the spots off with a soft cloth or brush. However, it's important to remember that plume or bloom can be a sign that the cigars are aging well and should be smoked soon to enjoy their optimal flavor.