There are many fantastic cigar bars across the United States, but here are five that consistently rank among the best:
1、Casa de Montecristo by Prime Cigar - Miami, Florida: This luxurious lounge offers a wide selection of cigars, including rare and hard-to-find brands, as well as a full bar and gourmet cuisine. The ambiance is elegant and inviting, with leather armchairs, dim lighting, and live music on weekends.
2、Davidoff of Geneva - New York City, New York: Located in the heart of Manhattan, Davidoff of Geneva is a chic and sophisticated cigar lounge. With an impressive collection of cigars and a stylish interior featuring leather seating and wood paneling, it's the perfect spot to relax with a smoke and a cocktail.
3、The Whiskey Library - Portland, Oregon: This cozy lounge offers a wide variety of whiskies and cigars, with a focus on local and craft spirits. The ambiance is warm and welcoming, with exposed brick walls, cozy seating, and a fireplace.
4、The Cigar Box - Las Vegas, Nevada: Located on the world-famous Las Vegas Strip, The Cigar Box is a popular destination for cigar enthusiasts. With a vast selection of cigars, a full bar, and comfortable seating areas, it's the perfect spot to enjoy a smoke and take in the lively atmosphere of the city.
5、The Grand Havana Room - Beverly Hills, California: This upscale cigar lounge offers a luxurious setting, with stunning views of Beverly Hills and the surrounding area. With a membership program and a dress code, it's a members-only club that attracts a sophisticated clientele. The lounge offers an extensive selection of cigars, as well as a full bar and gourmet cuisine.
These are just a few of the many great cigar bars in the U.S. Each offers its own unique experience and atmosphere, so be sure to check them out and find the one that best fits your style and taste.